While we catalog the year and review the basic component skills learned thus far, we are going to be doing extended investigations of rational expressions (in Precalc) and of quadratics (in Algebra II) in the contexts of design, projectile motion, and event planning.
Precalculus will be "Planning a Summer Camp" based on a College Board Springboard investigation with the following opening scenario:
"You have been appointed to the finance committee of a nonprofit summer camp for children. The camp will be held in one-week sessions, beginning with breakfast on Monday morning and ending with dinner on Friday evening, each week throughout the summer.
The fixed cost for the camp, which includes rent, staff salaries, staff meals, and all equipment and materials for the recreational activities, will be $2400 per day. Although the camp has dining facilities for the staff, ti must pay an outside vendor to provide all meals for the campers. After contacting a food service vendor, you learn that this additional cost will be $3 per camper, per meal.
As a nonprofit camp, the camp must cover it costs, but does not need to make a profit. The finance committee does not know how much to charger for a week at the summer camp, so the director is requesting that the committee submit a proposal for setting the fee for reach camper based on the number of campers who are expected to attend each week."
Homework (from www.jmap.org; feel free to check your answers there!)