Please peruse the infographic on exponential growth of facebook and
explore exponential growth using the mathematica animation below and to the right(click on it)
Precalculus is currently developing an understanding of exponential functions (and their inverses, logarithms) in a variety of ways over the next few weeks. We are opening our investigation of exponentials via an exploration of inverse functions using a SpringBoard investigation called "Code Breakers." We will move from this more numerical and algebraic look at the concept of inverses to the graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions. The first homework on this topic, due February 6th, will be purely dedicated to honing the graph of exponential functions. We will progress through the exponentials using investigations and formative assessments from the work of
Mathematics Assessment Project,
Dan Meyer, and College Board's
Springboard materials. Please find reference sheets, review packets, and presentations in the embedded folder below:
homework (for February 12th) is the following two files:
Video Links
Brightstorm Video Links
Algebra II is currently moving from linear and quadratic polynomials to higher order polynomials. This transition is being driven concretely by exploring distance, area, and volume. We will progress through the exponentials using investigations and formative assessments from the work of
Mathematics Assessment Project,
Dan Meyer, and College Board's
Springboard materials. We will build on our work with "
Forming Quadratics" and move to "
Representing Polynomials" before we move on to an intriguing interpretation and application of numerous theorems (see reference sheets in the embedded folder). We will culminate with modeling of polynomial behavior.
What degree is the polynomial below? What is its equation?
Please find reference sheets, review packets, and presentations in the embedded folder below:
homework (for February 12th) is the following:
Video Links:
Brighstorm Videos