The Official SAT Question of the Day

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

The first week and a half we reviewed linear functions as tools to model the relationship between two quantities with an emphasis on distance vs. time relationships.  This week we are moving into a brief review systems of linear equations, which will culminate in exploration of linear programming.  The picture at left is an example of what we will eventually will be building, interpreting, and using to solve real-world problems.

Please find a video on systems of equations in three variables below as well as one on systems of inequalities immediately below.  I encourage you to take a moment and critically view them, pausing and re-watching when needed.The documents for our first unit are embedded beneath that, including the next two homework assignments.  

Systems of Three Variables:

Graphical Systems Application Problem:

Linear Programming Example:

Documents from our first unit:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Modeling Linear Functions

The emphasis of Algebra 2 this year will be mathematics and modeling.  Here is a general diagram that overviews the modeling cycle:
Here are some examples of modeling to get you thinking about mathematical models:
  • Estimating how much water and food is needed for emergency relief in a devastated city of 3 million people, and how it might be distributed.
  • Planning a table tennis tournament for 7 players at a club with 4 tables, where each player plays against each other player.
  • Designing the layout of the stalls in a school fair so as to raise as much money as possible.
  • Analyzing stopping distance for a car.
  • Modeling savings account balance, bacterial colony growth, or investment growth.
  • Engaging in critical path analysis, e.g., applied to turnaround of an aircraft at an airport.
  • Analyzing risk in situations such as extreme sports, pandemics, and terrorism.
  • Relating population statistics to individual predictions.

The first week and a half will be reviewing linear functions as tools to model the relationship between two quantities with an emphasis on distance vs. time relationships.  Please find the syllabus, course overview, and self assessment embedded below.

Documents from our first unit are embedded below:

Please do not forget to complete the following things listed in the syllabus by Friday of this week:

Required Online Registration for the following: